Financial Calculators

Reliable data leads to better decisions. Start your research here.

Run the numbers and see how they can work for you.

You're weighing a big financial decision. Or maybe you're in the testing stage to see if taking a certain step will benefit you financially. Wherever you are in the process, we'll meet you there. These easy-to-use calculators put a bunch of good information in your hands to help you figure out the way forward.

UniWyo is a full-service credit union with branches in Casper, Cheyenne, Cody, Douglas, Glenrock, Laramie, and on-campus at the University of Wyoming.

Loan Payment Calculator

Figure out what you'll pay per month or find out how much you can borrow based on what you can afford.

Savings Calculator

See how steady, consistent progress can build up the bottom line of your savings account.

Accelerated Debt Payoff Calculator

You could save big bucks by paying a little bit more each month. See what a difference it makes.

Auto Loan Calculator

See how much you'll owe each month, or set a monthly budget to see how much you can borrow.

Mortgage Loan Calculator

Digging into the details of your monthly mortgage payment can help you budget more effectively.