Credit Cards

  • Money-saving rates
  • No annual fee
  • Fraud protection

Our plastic is better than most other credit cards. You can bet the ranch on it.

These days, credit cards are as common as antelope in Wyoming - there is one almost everywhere you look. But really good ones? They're a breed apart. You'll want to check out our UniWyo Visa Credit Card or a piece of plastic that stands out from the rest of the herd.

UniWyo VISA Credit Card

Looking for a simple credit card that comes with more perks than fees? Our UniWyo Visa Credit Card comes with a rare combination of low rates and easy-to-understand benefits. 

  • Low variable rate compared to competitors and no annual fee 
  • Manage your account online within digital banking
  • Enjoy 24/7 round-the-clock fraud protection
  • With Visa Zero Liability, you're not held responsible for unauthorized charges
  • Optional debt protection insurance
  • Add to your digital wallet so you can use it at anytime
  • Just entering the world of credit? Ask us about a Share Secured Credit Card to jumpstart your credit journey

UniWyo is a full-service credit union with branches in Casper, Cheyenne, Cody, Douglas, Glenrock, Laramie, and on-campus at the University of Wyoming.

High-Dividend Checking

Earn higher dividends on deposits.