Life Stage Solutions

Your journey is unique. We'll meet you where you are and provide what you need.

It's your life. We want to be along for the ride.

Celebrations. Milestones. Challenges. Tough times. Whatever season you're in, rely on UniWyo to provide some helpful guidance. You trust us as your lifelong financial partner, and we won't let you down.

UniWyo is a full-service credit union with branches in Casper, Cheyenne, Cody, Douglas, Glenrock, Laramie, and on-campus at the University of Wyoming.

Preparing for College

A full education extends beyond the classroom. Get a firm handle on your finances.

Car Buying

Find the tools and resources you need to find and finance the right vehicle.

Home Buying

Find the right loan, figure out the financial impact and move forward confidently.