Auto Loans

  • Loans for vehicles of all types
  • Low rates save you money
  • Flexible repayment plans

The open road is calling, we're here to help you answer with rates as low as 4.74% APR*.

Twenty-three sprawling counties. 97,000 square miles. Everyone knows there's a lot of ground to cover in Wyoming. And everyone has their own idea of the best way to get around. Cars to commute across town. Pickups that haul heavy loads. RVs that open the door to adventure. No matter how you choose to travel, at UniWyo Credit Union we're ready to get you rolling with an Auto Loan that's just your style.

UniWyo is a full-service credit union with branches in Casper, Cheyenne, Cody, Douglas, Glenrock, Laramie, and on-campus at the University of Wyoming.