Student Loan Refinance

  • Consolidate government and private loans
  • Flexible repayment options
  • Rate discounts available

Who needs to worry about a bunch of college loans? Not you.

So you've finished college. Congrats! Chances are, you had to borrow a chunk of money to make it to the finish line. That's okay. At UniWyo, we can provide you with a stress-free repayment plan. By rolling all your education debt together, we can leave you with one manageable monthly payment - and potentially save you money in interest costs.

  • Consolidate all private and federal loans (including PLUS loans)
  • Zero origination fees
  • Low interest rates
  • Rate discount for automatic electronic payments
  • Flexible repayment options
  • Quick online approval

UniWyo is a full-service credit union with branches in Casper, Cheyenne, Cody, Douglas, Glenrock, Laramie, and on-campus at the University of Wyoming.

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